Alright, had to make a post about these. I used to work at the Fila store and it was probably one of the most depressing jobs I've ever had! Well, in terms of being around footwear and not being able to sell it. Luckily, I worked with great people that made those days go by with some enjoyment. Otherwise, the place was rarely busy, the product was boring unless of course you like velour track suits, people loved to steal from us (why they would want to steal from Fila still stumps me), the floor would constantly be dirty even though no one walked over it, my neck would get sore playing solitaire on the POS.. hmmm what else? Well I guess the most depressing thing for me was that it sucked the sneaker life outta me. My love for footwear died for a moment there. I guess being around shoes that I couldn't get excited over everyday did me in. HOWEVER, I do have to say, one shining light was that Fila was affiliated to Grant Hill.. and I like Grant Hill.
Above are the Grant Hill 2s otherwise known now as the Fila 96s. Fila has collaborated with Reed Space on this release giving them 2 Reed Space exclusive colourways; a New York Knicks version and a CMYK themed shoe. Both of them along with the OG colourway fully equipped with foam filled laces (inside joke) and 2A technology are being released this Friday.
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