Was that Lil Weezy in there?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
And The Winner Is...
Oklahoma City Thunder

It's still hard to believe that the Sonics are gone. As a matter of fact I completely forgot that they moved to Oklahoma. I didn't even know they were called the Thunder now. Here's Kevin Durant showing us the home and aways.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Its Gotta Be

I'm gettin psyched up for the upcoming NBA season. I'm even more psyched up about all the shoes that will be on premiere NBA players' feet. Here's a pic of former VanCity Grizzly Mike Bibby in some AJ II lows in some pre-season action. It always amazes me when a player opts for an ol skool classic over today's ultra hi-tech ball shoes. I remember seeing a pic of Stephen Jackson in some Jordan Spizikes.. now you know those weren't made for hi performance! I mean, these are the highest caliber basketball players in the world playing in kicks designed in the 80s. I guess this confirms that shoes don't make you jump higher and that its the player not the shoes. NAAAAHHH!!! I'm still a BELIEVER!! IT'S GOTTA BE THE SHOES!
Black Cement On The Gridiron
Monday, October 20, 2008
Run Forrest Run!!

Imagine how much faster Forrest would've completed his coast to coast personal marathon with these joints. Is this hilarious or ingenious? The Nike Sportswear Cortez Flywire not only features Flywire technology, but it also has a Free midsole/outsole.. making this old classic a potentially up to date technical runner? Its almost like putting a NSX engine in a 88 Civic.
All Day I Dream About Sneakers

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Nike Air Royal Mid Premium
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A nice innovation for the ladies by Swims. These City Slippers give you better traction and protect your precious heels from the rain.. which we get plenty of here in Vancouver. Featured on the outsole of these galoshes are maps of NYC, Paris or Tokyo which create a texture that makes for good traction.
I caught this on the Discovery Channel years ago, wondered if I could find it online and voila!!.. its on Youtube! Of course it is! The sound isnt great.. but its worth pumping up the volume to listen to the commentating. The egg experiment is awesome!! I remember way back when I worked for Superstar (athletic footwear and apparel store) Jay, the Asics rep came by for a Product Knowledge meeting. One of the things he showed us was a big slab of Asics Gel much like the one used in this video. He also had a pieces of glass about the same size and a hammer. He then proceeded to put the gel on top of the glass and challenged any one of us to slam the hammer down on the gel as an attempt to break the glass. Of course, no one could do it. I was a believer after I saw that. Gels and Silicones just disperse the shock like nothing else.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Hyperdunks : Reviewed

A very thorough and detailed review on the Hyperdunks has been posted on Sole Collector by Nick DePaula. Check it out here.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Alex Nash
AWESOME video of Alex Nash doin his thing... transforming a pair of Jordan IVs. Dood is meticulous. The level of craftsmanship is amazing.
Athletic Wear

Been meaning to enter posts about athletic apparel... cuz hey, kicks and clothing go hand in hand yes? I probably wont dip into the streetwear scene, instead I'll try to stick to technical sportswear. I kinda missed the boat on all the uniforms from the Olympics this summer.. tons of exciting stuff happenin there... (hmm...actually maybe I WILL backtrack and write about it, theres still quite a few things i wanna get off my chest).