Watch the Road To Redemption vids.. they'll get you AMPED. Dang.. i love those old skool highlights of the Dream Team.
A dedication to footwear design
The hype on this release is just incredible. There really hasn't been this much excitement surrounding a sneaker release in a long time.. and to think its for a newly designed performance basketball shoe too. Just amazing. This could be a turning point for future releases and how brands take on new projects.
On another note: whats the deal with the babies in the line up?? dang man, that just ain't right.
One of my favourite players in the NBA right now... nice to see him tell stories about sneakers.
Nice video, but i gotta say.. i'm tired of the whole lets do a collabo.. bring back an old skool runner and do it up in a "different" colour. I mean, it is a great way to introduce new colours of a shoe, if they're going to do it anyway, why not attach a story to it.. some labeling and different materials/details. My complaint is that its just getting boring. Lets make new stories.